About Me

I am a new media artist and transdisciplinary researcher. Recognized for the creation of his digital, virtual reality, and interactive art installations across the fields of art, technology, humanities, and cultural heritage.




years of work


artwork presented


teaching and research activities

Over View


Tech Approach

Extended Reality (XR), (I.E. Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality [VR], Mixed Reality [MR], Artificial Reality (AI), Machine Learning, The Internet Of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, AI Avatars, Digital Humans, Virtual Beings, Holography.


Fischnaller envisions a world where technology and art intersect to create immersive, interactive experiences that push the boundaries of human perception and engagement. His work is driven by a lifelong passion for innovation and a commitment to exploring new frontiers in digital media. Fischnaller’s projects often blend classical art techniques with cutting-edge technologies, creating unique cross-disciplinary art forms that challenge and expand traditional concepts of storytelling and visual expression.

Art-work highlight

Franz Fischnaller’s notable projects span decades of innovation and cultural impact. He pioneered the Virtual Reality Facility Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and curated the groundbreaking “LEONARDO: SHAPING THE FUTURE” exhibition. From 1996 to 2017, he led F.A.B.R.I.CATORS Milano/Italy, integrating art, design, and technology. His ongoing Time Space System Project (TSS) explores immersive AI/XR holographic performances. As Media Art Director at Kunstkraftwerk, Leipzig, Fischnaller continues to spearhead innovative digital media exhibitions. Throughout his career, he has made significant academic contributions, publishing extensively and lecturing worldwide on XR and digital humanities topics.

Notable Projects and Roles

Virtual Reality Facility Lab

Created at the University of Illinois at Chicago, recognized

for the development of the first CAVE® and ImmersaDesk® VR systems.

Media Art Director

Kunstkraftwerk, Leipzig, Germany.


LEONARDO: SHAPING THE FUTURE – large-scale immersive exhibits showcasing artistic and scientific macro imaging.


F.A.B.R.I.CATORS Milano/Italy – an interdisciplinary group focused on the integration of art, design, technology, and communication.

Professional Activities

Content Creation and Development

For private companies, museums, cultural centers.

Media Design Adviser, Art Director, Project Production Management

Planning, organizing, and managing human resources and content production.

Consultant and Designer for New Media Exhibits

Across art, architecture, technology, science, and humanities.

Exhibit Design and Management

For digital humanities projects and interactive exhibits

Academic and Teaching Roles

Fischnaller has served as a professor, visiting scholar, and guest lecturer at various universities worldwide

Full Professor at the School of Art & Design, University of Illinois at Chicago,USA.

Professor at the University of Florence, Italy; IED Turin, Italy; Albertina Academy of Fine Arts of Turin; Polytechnic of Turin, Italy; Polytechnic University of Milan Guest lecturer at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania; Aalto University, Finland; Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Publications and Conferences

Fischnaller has published extensively and has been involved in numerous conferences, seminars, and workshops. Notable publications include:

e-Art | Art | Net | Technology | Society | Democracy
“Expanding the Frontiers of Utopia … From the Digital Renaissance to Space on Earth”

“CityCluster: From the Renaissance to the Megabyte Networking Age”


Selected Presentations


August 2024, Milan, Italy

Presentation, Museum, etc.

Detail here


September 2023, Milan, Italy

Presentation, Museum, etc.

Detail here



Jan/Dec 2024, Shanghai

Presentation, Museum, etc.

Detail here


Detail here